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SARS-CoV-2 Is Re-emerging Following the Relaxation of Lockdown Restrictions

SARS-CoV-2 Is Re-emerging Following the Relaxation of Lockdown Restrictions

SARS-CoV-2 Is Re-emerging Following the Relaxation of Lockdown Restrictions

SARS-CoV-2 Is Re-emerging Following the Relaxation of Lockdown Restrictions

Credit: Pixabay.
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Currently, we are still some way from an effective, safe and readily-available疫苗Infection rateshave also not been as high as one may have expected at the start of the outbreak, even in areas considered “hotspots” like New York, likely in part due to lockdown measures that have prevented soaring case numbers from overwhelming health services. Certainly, no areas have been identified where infection has been as high as the estimated 60 % infection rate required to confer herd immunity, a point that isstill debated。但是,在没有这种情况的情况下,这确实意味着我们仍然缺乏任何形式畜群免疫在全球人口中,许多人容易受到SARS-COV-2感染。


Coronavirus in Beijing – isolated outbreak or a second wave of infection?


北京上周,导致重新引入对当地人口的限制。就像武汉的最初爆发一样linked to a food market布伦丹·雷恩(Brendan Wren),伦敦卫生与热带医学学院微生物发病机理教授“Beijing had previously gone 57 days without a locally-transmitted case of COVID-19 and the latest peak in the number of cases is a real concern.” As more cases continued to emerge (137 over past six days) and it became clear the outbreak was not under control, China took the decision to once again ground hundreds of flights, raise the emergency level and prevent non-essential travel.

Whilst in the case of New Zealand, the source is known and appears to have been contained, the scenario in China is raising concern. Wren continued “It will be important to establish the source of this re-infection, it is likely to be locally-transmitted through human transfer, but given that the origin of the infection was in China we shouldn’t exclude the possibility of the original animal source suspected from food markets being responsible for the latest outbreak. DNA sequencing of the virus from infected individuals should establish a forensic trail to establish the source and reservoir of this re-infection.”

Some initial reports in Chinese local media following human and environmental testing had suggested a link to the import or packaging of salmon. Given what we know about SARS-CoV-2 infectivity, this seems unlikely to be the primary source, and is more feasibly a result of cross-contamination. Speaking at a
周一的新闻发布会, Dr Michael Ryan, Head of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) emergencies program, was keen to stress [in relation to a link to salmon] that “I think we need to look at what has happened in this case, I don’t believe it is the primary hypothesis. But it needs to be explored.” He continued “As we’ve seen in many countries, the emergence of new clusters – especially when the origin of the cluster, the driver of the cluster, is not recognized – is always a concern.”

基思·尼尔,诺丁汉大学传染病流行病学的名誉教授,他评论说:“中国实际发生的事情永远不会真正透明,因此只有知情的猜测是可能的。北京一直在为所有返回的旅行者使用强制执行的隔离。如果人们在14天的隔离结束时进行了测试,并且鉴于没有测试对100%敏感,并且有1000人返回,则受感染的人会/总是会在这些控件中滑落。这是个人或人到人到人的人传播的人;可能像武汉一样专注于市场。鲑鱼作为来源的可能性极不可能 - 鲑鱼如何变得兴奋?鉴于市场上粪便的评论,食物卫生可能很差。”






废水监测和正在进行测试are likely to be important factors in identifying and “fire-fighting” new incursions as they crop up for the foreseeable future.


As even hard-hit countries like Italy throw open their borders and re-instate tourist activities in the hope of stimulating much needed income, it should be considered at what human cost and do these actions just prolong the problem?

As cases continue to be identified across China, testing is being ramped up and restrictions tightened in the hope of containing further spread. At least with the wealth of research development that has happened since the initial outbreak in Wuhan, scientists, epidemiologists and officials are better armed to tackle the problem.

Karen Steward博士
Karen Steward博士