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捷克葡萄牙直播had the pleasure of speaking with Thermo Fisher Scientific’s Don Paul Kovarcik, to learn more about the benefits and limitations of electroporation and key factors影响电穿孔性能。在这次采访中,科瓦尔奇克还告诉我们新的氙气电穿孔系统及其如何应对与电穿孔相关的挑战,包括如何保留细胞活力并促进缩放。

Zoe Braybrook(ZB): What are the key benefits of choosing electroporation as a transfection method for cell therapy development?

Don Paul Kovarcik(DK):即使使用病毒转导进行了许多收养T细胞疗法的基础工作,但仍然存在一些局限性。第一,由于这些病毒在基因组中随机整合,并可能带来意想不到的后果。二,需要额外的测试,例如复制能干病毒。最后,有效载荷大小的限制可以通过病毒向量传递。

相反,电穿孔可用于提供多种有效载荷,包括DNA,RNA和蛋白质,包括大于10 kb的有效载荷。此外,电穿孔是提供基因编辑有效载荷的最常用方法。这些非病毒工程方法可以允许更具体和可控制的工程,因此有可能进行更好的治疗。


虽然存在供体到谱系的变异性,但氙气能够在初级活化的T细胞中输送多达90%的敲除和80%的生存能力。最终,这转化为较大数量的总编辑单元。氙气系统的一个优点是,它允许开发人员微调其产品或过程特定的电穿孔参数。与基于程序的电穿孔系统相反,氙气允许用户调整电压(500-2500 V),脉冲宽度(1-30 ms),脉冲数(1-10)和脉冲间隔(500-1000毫秒)。这样,开发人员可以完全了解应用于细胞的电穿孔脉冲。


The ideal electroporation process is one that provides the best balance of transfection efficiency and viability. In general, one comes at the expense of the other as shown by this graph. In this experiment with primary activated T cells, voltage was the most significant variable impacting performance and while increasing voltage increased percent transfection, it also leads to a decrease in viability.

Because the Xenon offers the flexibility for customers to set their own electroporation parameters, it gives them the best opportunity to find optimized conditions that best meet their needs.




DK:在有点直线的顶部阴极(+)和底部阳极( - )电极之间发出电荷。在电荷撞击细胞的地方,在那里打开了一个临时孔,并且会发生细胞外和细胞内材料的交换。孔的大小和频率取决于细胞膜的组成。例如,很难在刚性区域(例如大脂质的毛孔)中创建毛孔。膜完整性和细胞内材料的丧失是细胞可能无法从中恢复的东西。

ZB:Thermo Fisher是否对各种细胞类型进行了优化的协议,并具有可用的性能数据?

DK:在Xenon系统上,我们通过20-100 m细胞/mL(特别是20 m,50 m,,50 m,50 m,,使用我们的培养物和有效载荷系统,从新鲜和冷冻材料中优化了3天CD3/CD28 Dynabead激活的PBMC和PAN T细胞的电穿孔。&100 M细胞/mL)。相同的电穿孔程序与其他文化,激活和有效载荷系统良好。因为我们已经证明了霓虹灯转染系统的可伸缩性,所以我们的客户可以在数据库中参考超过140个优化协议。

ZB: What are the key variables from an engineering perspective that affect electroporation performance?

DK:The engineering factors identified to have an impact on biological performance were related to consistent voltage and current being delivered to the electroporation chamber. During a MultiShot run, to ensure consistent performance from shot to shot, it was critical to have equivalent filling of each electroporation as well as to maintain pressure inside the chamber to eliminate the risk of arcing. Temperature is also a key variable. It directly affects the conductivity of the buffer and thereby the energy delivered to the cells, but also cell viability is impacted when a temperature threshold is exceeded. As a result, the system has an internal safeguard to prevent electroporation protocols that would result in unsafe temperatures. Finally, to ensure scalability from the Neon tip, we had to ensure that the distance between the electrodes of a Xenon consumable was the same as that in the Neon tip.

Don Paul Kovarcik正在与技术网络的营销活动协调员Zoe Braybrook交谈。捷克葡萄牙直播

Zoe Braybrook
Zoe Braybrook
Content Marketing Executive