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A Conversation on Immunity


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Over the last few decades, our knowledge surrounding human health and disease has advanced significantly, changing the landscape of modern medicine and our understanding of what it means to be “well”.

当全球范围内实施了许多锁定时,共同199的大流行迫使日常工作突然停止。当人类面临空旷的日记和常见的孤独时,有机会反思通常占据日常生活的习惯和活动。再加上外部叙述,关于保持健康以保护自己免受SARS-COV-2病毒的重要性,对于许多人来说,这种经历促使“自我护理”的新优先级 - 找到新的方法来照顾我们的身体和我们的身体头脑。

The pandemic occurred at an interesting time for the healthcare system and medical establishment more generally. Global life expectancy hasincreased根据该报告的最新报告,从2000年的67。2年到2019年的73.5岁Global Burden of Diseases。尽管我们可能寿命更长,但人类面临着不断增长的挑战,例如慢性疾病的负担和心理健康危机。因此,现代医学已开始将重点从治疗疾病当作疾病,预防疾病或维持“健康”转变。

加上越来越多的健康行业的牵引力 -now estimated to be worth $4.5 trillion- 进入方程式,可以说,现在,人类从未对我们的健康投入如此投入。或更具体地说,健康的有形方面 - 我们可以控制预防疾病的因素。



Dr. Jenna Macciochi是苏塞克斯大学免疫学讲师,她的研究中心了解营养和生活方式在人类免疫中的作用。除了她的学术生涯外,Macciochi博士还是一位知名作家。她的第一本书,Immunity: The Science of Staying Well于2020年出版,第二本书Your Blueprint for Strong Immunity于今年早些时候出版。Macciochi博士的写作和学术研究总的来说,旨在“将记录保持直截了当”,这是对人类健康和免疫力的基础的科学,使此信息可访问和可行。

在本月的专题文章中捷克葡萄牙直播与Macciochi博士坐下来问:我们该怎么能真的stay well? What has immunological research taught us about the effects of modern lifestyle on our bodies and what are some of the latest breakthroughs in this field?


Jenna Macciochi (JM):I was very interested in in health and disease as a child. I grew up on a farm, and my mum worked in food in catering, so there was always a big emphasis on how illness can be prevented at the dinner table. We cooked from scratch and grew a lot of our food ourselves. Living on a farm allows you see the circle of life, and I think I became very preoccupied as a child in understanding what made people stay well, and why some people got sick.


I love how the immune system weaves into every aspect of our body in health and disease; it’s not just about protection against infection, or how to develop vaccines, but there are other components such as allergies, autoimmune diseases or cancer, the gut microbiome, etc.



JM:免疫学branched off from an older line of science – microbiology. This is a research field that emerged when we first discovered microbes, tiny organisms that we can’t see but that can cause us to get sick. Prior to that, many sicknesses were attributed to miasma, or “bad air”; we didn’t have the tools to visualize microbes, so we couldn’t see them or analyze them. When those tools became available, we could finally see and study microbes. As a result, microbiology was founded.


As a field, immunology is therefore relatively new. We’re discovering more and more, all the time – it evolves rapidly. In 2018, the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was awarded to詹姆斯·艾莉森(James Allison)和塔苏克·霍霍(Tasuku Honjo)for their discovery of cancer immunotherapy. Twenty years ago, the idea that the immune system could be involved in cancer, and the concept of weaponizing that same system to treat cancer, would not have been on anybody’s radar.



JM:The cancer immunotherapy breakthrough is incredible. In addition, the discovery of how we are all immunologically unique is fascinating – the genes that differ most between us are those attributed to different aspects of the immune system.Susumu Tonegawawon the 1987 Nobel Prize for his research exploring the genes that recombine in a unique way to make each of our individual antibodies and receptors for T cells. Even though we have a specific amount of DNA in our cells, we can make a limitless number of different antibodies and T cell receptors. Before, nobody could really figure out why that was. It is a finding that is especially relevant today when we look at how different individuals respond to SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is so much clinical variability, not just in COVID-19, but in other infectious diseases too.

Susumu Tonegawawon the1987年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖他的“围绕抗体生产的基本发现。他概述了人体的免疫系统如何产生大量抗体,每种抗体都与病原体(称为抗原)的特定成分反应。Tonegawa证明,有限数量的基因最终可以在一个个体中产生数百万种不同的抗体。



MC: Could you talk about the research methods that are adopted in immunology – how do we study the immune system?

JM:很难研究免疫系统,这阻碍了该领域的很多进展。我们的白细胞不仅在血液中发现。它们存在于整个身体上,因此,如果您从一个人那里拿出血液样本,您将不承诺整体上的整个免疫系统正在做什么。白细胞将聚集在人体的障碍物上 - 我们最有可能接触病原体或毒素 - 例如口腔,空气方法,消化道,皮肤下方。当然,您不一定要从身体的所有这些不同部位获得活检,以找出免疫系统在该特定位置所做的事情。

许多免疫学研究实验室将使用动物模型系统。这提供了研究完整的哺乳动物并查看整个免疫系统的机会。但是,当您考虑物种差异时,当然也有限制,并且在研究免疫系统的同时,您仍然无法从身体的特定位置获得样品in vivo.





当我们看饮食,我们的睡眠程度以及每天移动多少身体时,这些都是有形的,我们可以控制。重要的是要探索我们如何“撞到一个或两个档次”,而不是做出巨大的改变并重新设计我们的生活 - 这只是保持一致的障碍。最终,一致性是我们的目标。


JM:The first one is around “boosting” your immune system. There is no scientific way in which we can do that. When your immune system is “switched on”, it makes you feel quite lousy. When you have a fever or a flu and you feel unwell, that’s because of inflammation in your body that occurs as part of your immune response to make your body hostile for pathogens. It can result in collateral damage on your own tissue, so we only want it to happen in a short-term, controlled way. Half of your immune system is therefore designed to turn this mechanism off when we don’t need it. It’s therefore not that you want to “boost” your immune system, but rather, you want it to be balanced.


We hear a lot about how we need to be eating “superfoods” to be well. In fact, we need to look at our dietary patterns holistically, not through a reductionist lens whereby one or two nutrients or fruits will satisfy our bodies and provide the nutrition that we need.


JM:I think, unfortunately, we’ve lost touch with that.

We have concepts such as green prescribing happening in the United Kingdom, where an increasing number of GPs prescribe going outside for a walk, in nature. It really makes me think – when did we get to a point where we had to be told to do something as simple as that as part of our holistic health care?

有时,我们从食物中去除天然存在的纤维,这对我们的肠道微生物非常重要 - 然后添加合成纤维。或者,我们用饮料或奶昔代替宣传为“健康”的奶昔,但比煮饭更昂贵,营养浓度更低。

The aggressive marketing of food that is advertised as “healthy” because it contains one or two ingredients that are loosely linked to our well-being is problematic. It has gotten people really confused, and almost pathologized the feeling of being full after a meal, so many people now snack throughout the day rather than eating balanced meals.

Many of us also sit at a computer all day and then believe that we can undo this by spending a short amount of time at the gym. In fact, research tells us that we must break up sedentary time in addition to doing physical activity that increases our heart rate. We narrow down human movement requirements to these contrived pockets of time that we spend at the gym, but we need to think more about how we can move throughout the day and in lots of different ways.

总的来说,我们在一个奇怪的地方。当我与父母一代人交谈时,这对我来说变得非常清楚。他们常常没有与基本面失去联系。他们在家里做饭,他们知道他们必须在饮食中得到水果和蔬菜,但是可以吃点零食。他们与食物和运动有着良好的关系 - 从长远来看,我们的免疫系统需要保持良好状态的所有投入。不幸的是,许多年轻一代已经不再存在了,对我们的免疫系统产生负面影响的行为已成为“规范”。这意味着您必须非常努力地与之抗衡,并养成可能被认为是“不寻常”的习惯才能保持健康。

MC: Could you talk about some of the key challenges that you encounter in your work? How do you envision overcoming them?

JM:There are quite a lot of challenges when measuring your immune system comprehensively. A lot of immunology research involves piecing together different tests modalities to create what I call an “immunobiography”. Your immune system is a product of your life in many ways, and how your life shifts and evolves over time, so we rely a lot on patient narratives and work to fit these different pieces together, which can be challenging.

I also think that we need to look at improving microbiome testing so that it can become more useful. The microbiome is a huge aspect of immunology research. Right now, we can look at stool samples and gauge an idea of what’s going on in the body, almost like a snapshot. But we are limited in how much that actually tells us and informs us about an individual’s health in a preventative way, rather than just reaching the stage of testing when intervention is required. I think tools that are evolving, such as machine learning and the ability to analyze large data sets, will collectively allow us to dive deeper and unpick more.





As a researcher, it's interesting to see more and more academics using social media channels and sharing information, which I think is fantastic. I get to learn about other fields that I'm interested in and collaborate with people to communicate science. However, sometimes messages can get overblown or taken out of context. Many people apply the information they learn from these sources to their lives to a tee, without understanding that science is constantly evolving, and new publications are released which can challenge information we previously thought to be correct. Without an understanding of the publication process and scientific training, the nuances of these processes may not be appreciated.

MC: What do you envision the next 10 years will look like in terms of how people look at their health and the focus of immunology research?

JM:我认为将对个性化的健康有真正的转变,我们开始越来越多地看到。一个例子是我们的遗传学和环境可以对我们的消化和处理食物的能力产生的影响 - 该领域被称为Nutrigenomics。相同的双胞胎在相同的餐食中可以产生非常不同的血糖反应。这是为什么?考虑到这些个人因素,很明显,我们不能拥有一揽子准则 - 需要量身定制。


Jenna MacCiochi博士正在与技术网络高级科学作家Molly Campbell进行交谈。捷克葡萄牙直播
