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Cancer Biomarkers: Powering Precision Medicine

Cancer Biomarkers: Powering Precision Medicine

Cancer Biomarkers: Powering Precision Medicine

Cancer Biomarkers: Powering Precision Medicine

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Researchers are developing biomarker tests to detect cancer early, monitor therapeutic efficacy and predict outcomes – making diagnosis and treatment more precise.

“A biomarker is generally something that you can measure in a patient that will give you information,” explains Karen Swales, Senior Scientific Officer in the药效动力学生物标志物组在英国伦敦癌症研究所。“但是结果将取决于特定的生物标志物类型。”

诊断biomarkers can detect and identify cancer or its relapse, prognostic biomarkers give an early indication of the severity of the disease, and predictive biomarkers can help doctors to select what therapies might work best for a patient. During clinical trials, pharmacodynamic biomarkers can offer an early insight into the effects of an experimental drug on the body.

作为cancer is a genetic disease这是由基因组改变的驱动,人们对肿瘤的遗传分析有了很大的关注。但是研究人员还在开发生物标志物测试以测量不同的分子变化,并使用易于从患者(例如血液或头发)收集的样品。

Stratifying patients using genetic biomarkers

The ever-increasing catalog of genetic changes involved in cancer development is fueling a new generation of targeted drugs that are designed to address specific weaknesses in tumor cells. But these drugs will only work in a subset of patients – creating a demand for genetic stratification.

例如,分子测试对特定突变布拉夫gene in metastatic melanomasis used to identify people who may benefit from BRAF inhibitors - or克拉斯转移性结直肠肿瘤中的突变测试在开处方表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)阻滞剂之前。

“我们看到越来越需要衡量越来越多的基于DNA的改动。”Edwin Cuppen,荷兰哈特维格医学基金会的科学主任。


快速发展next-generation sequencing technologies正在实现这一转变。许多大规模肿瘤基因组测序程序,例如100,000个基因组项目,重点是对原发性肿瘤的分析。但是最近进行的一项大型研究进行了转移性肿瘤的全基因组测序

“We found that 62% of metastatic tumors had genetic biomarkers that may be used to stratify patients towards therapies that have either been approved or are in clinical trials,” says Cuppen.

尽管并不总是为患者的指示注册具体治疗后续试点研究,有34%的患者有临床反应after being prescribed the suggested off-label therapy.

“This might be a very useful approach, if it’s properly documented,” says Cuppen.

Biomarkers are accelerating clinical trials

Pharmacodynamic biomarkers, which measure whether a drug is biologically available and is hitting its desired target, can help inform the best dosage and schedules for an experimental drug - or enable go/no-go decisions on whether it should be progressed further.



“例如,我们能够在I期中反馈trial of a novel PI3K inhibitorSwales说:“每天只给药一次并不能抑制靶标的时间。”“因此,该公司转向每天两次的剂量,以进入第二阶段。”


“We’ve been involved in a trial that used intra-patient dose escalation, which proved very successful,” says Swales.



“Many drugs target overactive proteins that help a tumor to grow and spread,” explains Swales. “So, we will often need to design an assay to see whether it is successfully switching off that protein – and how long for.”

许多研究人员使用免疫测定法,可以准确检测和量化感兴趣的蛋白质 - 即使仅在极低的水平下存在。但是,许多这些技术的主要挑战是对两种高度特异性抗体的要求。


To help overcome this challenge, the team is using a新的基于毛细管的免疫测定法被称为WES




Swales说:“您通常只获得剂量前和剂量后肿瘤样本 - 因此,您只能在预测何时服用的合适时刻才真正获得一枪。”

Researchers are aiming to develop assays that can measure relevant biomarkers in samples that are more easily accessible, opening more opportunities for serial collection.



“We’re working on a clinical trial where we are using a novel molecular assay to measure RNA biomarkers, which was not only appropriate for that drug target but means we can get a lot more data from a tumor sample than we might otherwise,” says Swales.

Benefits for patients

Cancer biomarkers are already starting to transform patient diagnosis and treatment – but this is only the beginning of精密医学





Meet The Author
Alison Halliday, PhD
Alison Halliday, PhD