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BNA访谈系列:与John Hardy教授的神经变性的遗传学

BNA访谈系列:与John Hardy教授的神经变性的遗传学

BNA访谈系列:与John Hardy教授的神经变性的遗传学

BNA访谈系列:与John Hardy教授的神经变性的遗传学

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At the British Neuroscience Association (BNA)’s Festival of Neuroscience in April 2019, we were lucky enough to sit down with some influential neuroscientists to discuss their work. We’ve assembled these transcripts into our BNA Interview Series. Here we interview University College London’s John Hardy, whose work into the genetics of neurodegenerative disorders saw him share the大脑奖在2018年。

Ruairi Mackenzie(RM):例如,遗传学对例如阿尔茨海默氏病等神经退行性状况有多大影响?

I think it started slowly in the 80’s and 90’s, as we, and I mean we generally, started to find genes for disease but I think gradually it’s become the dominant force for how people in general start to get at the pathogenesis of all neurodegenerative diseases. So I think there was a bit of a slow uptake of people understanding the significance of genetics, but now it’s become the dominant way people understand pathogenesis, I think.


There is no clear answer to that, but to deal with Alzheimer’s disease first, in the early onset autosomal dominant forms of the disease, where you have mutations in either the amyloid gene which we found, or the presenilin genes which Peter Hyslop found, those people over produce amyloid. In the sporadic forms of the disease, the late onset forms of the disease, the predominant problem is a failure to degrade and remove amyloid from the brain. So, there is a distinction but they’re consistent with each other.



RM: What role do you think going forward these genetic studies will have advances our understanding of these diseases in getting that goal, eventually?

Well I hope that they will have profound, successful implications. What we have found recently, and again I use the word ‘we’ in a general sense and not to mean my own group, but we have found genes involved in the microglial response to amyloid induced damage and I think that’s a significant understanding which should help us think about how we might fine tune the response to amyloid induced damage.

RM:我了解一些遗传研究 - 您提到的小胶质细胞 - 已将免疫系统牵涉到阿尔茨海默氏症中。您能谈谈这些关系是如何相关的吗?


RM: We’ve mentioned Alzheimer’s but in the same way that there is a lot of common mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases. Are microglial responsible for clearing up TSP-43 or other pathological proteins?





You know, inevitable is a strong word. I think one thing that science can take credit for, though not neurodegeneration researchers, is the fact that the incidence of dementia has dropped about 25% over the last 30 years. We haven’t understood why that is precisely but one of the leading ideas about that is that it coincides with better heart health, through blood pressure control, for example. One might suppose that inadvertently we have made progress but it’s sadly not through research into neurodegenerative disease, but through the good efforts of our heart disease colleagues basically. So I don’t think inevitable. Inevitable is too strong a word but also, I don’t think we neurodegeneration researchers can take the credit for it.


是的for sure, I think one thing I do think is that – and I think the field is in agreement with this – there is going to be no magic bullet for Alzheimer’s disease. I think it’s going to be a mixture of maybe drugs and lifestyle suggestions. I will just mention, because I think it is the most exciting thing of the last two years, that the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy through antisense treatment is really perhaps something we should be looking across the board for, in terms of treatments and I have been very excited by the anti-Huntington therapies based on the antisense therapies. If they work, one can see a way of using the same approaches across the board in neurodegenerative diseases. So I do think there is hope, I’m very excited about those things, but I don’t think there is going to be a magic bullet.



约翰·哈迪(John Hardy)正在与技术网络科学作家Ruairi J Mackenzie交谈捷克葡萄牙直播

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Ruairi J Mackenzie
Ruairi J Mackenzie