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Decoded Brain Signals Allow Users To Control a Robotic Arm With Their Thoughts

Decoded Brain Signals Allow Users To Control a Robotic Arm With Their Thoughts

Decoded Brain Signals Allow Users To Control a Robotic Arm With Their Thoughts

Decoded Brain Signals Allow Users To Control a Robotic Arm With Their Thoughts


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Researchers have developed a mind-reading system for decoding neural signals from the brain during arm movement. The method, described in the journal Applied Soft Computing, can be used by a person to control a robotic arm through a brain-machine interface (BMI).

A BMI is a device that translates nerve signals into commands to control a machine, such as a computer or a robotic limb. There are two main techniques for monitoring neural signals in BMIs: electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocorticography (ECoG).

The EEG exhibits signals from electrodes on the surface of the scalp and is widely employed because it is non-invasive, relatively cheap, safe and easy to use. However, the EEG has low spatial resolution and detects irrelevant neural signals, which makes it difficult to interpret the intentions of individuals from the EEG.


“ ECOG主要用于查找癫痫发作的潜在来源,这意味着电极放置在不同患者的不同位置,可能不在大脑的最佳区域,以检测感觉和运动信号。”Kaist的脑科学家。“这种不一致使得很难解码大脑信号以预测运动。”


In the study, the researchers recorded ECoG signals from four individuals with epilepsy while they were performing a reach-and-grasp task. Because the ECoG electrodes were placed according to the potential sources of each patient’s epileptic seizures, only 22% to 44% of the electrodes were located in the regions of the brain responsible for controlling movement.

During the movement task, the participants were given visual cues, either by placing a real tennis ball in front of them, or via a virtual reality headset showing a clip of a human arm reaching forward in first-person view. They were asked to reach forward, grasp an object, then return their hand and release the object, while wearing motion sensors on their wrists and fingers. In a second task, they were instructed to imagine reaching forward without moving their arms.



Reference: Kim HH, Jeong J. An electrocorticographic decoder for arm movement for brain–machine interface using an echo state network and Gaussian readout.应用软计算. 2022;117:108393. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2021.108393

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