


IR Spectroscopy and FTIR Spectroscopy: How an FTIR Spectrometer Works and FTIR Analysis


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傅立叶变换红外(FTIR)光谱学是一项非常流行的技术,由于其灵敏度,灵活性,特异性和鲁棒性的独特结合。能够应对固体,液体和气态分析物,它已成为科学中最广泛实践的分析工具技术之一。尽管FTIR有许多已知的局限性,例如其对水的相对不耐受及其对分析矩阵的物理特性的敏感性,但它仍然非常流行,并且通常在像各种行业中使用一样多样化食品与饮品,1chemical, engineering,环境的,2药物3and biomass4并在临床设置。5现在,合适的仪器表格包括台式,手持和在线实时devices.


人眼只能看到电磁辐射范围更广泛的一小部分(图1)。在可见光谱的高能侧位于紫外线(UV)区域,而在较低的能量侧是红外线(IR)。IR区域对于分析有机化合物的最有用的区域往往是波长为2,500至16,000 nm。农场ID和近IIR(NIR)包括在“分子光谱法”的保护下。


Figure 1: 电磁光谱,带有插图,指示红外光谱类型的典型子区域。

IR spectroscopy is the study of the interaction of IR light with matter, where IR light is characterized by the wavenumber range spanning 12,800 to 10 cm-1。Historically, by convention, IR tends to be described in “wavenumber”, where any wavenumber is inversely proportional to its wavelength. Thus, a shorter wavelength will have a larger wavenumber, referring to the fact that more waves would be able to fit into a given distance. Far-IR is typically defined as radiation between 500 and 20 cm-1,中期4,000至500厘米-1和NIR通常在约10,000至4,000厘米之间-1


Figure 2:Animation showing the 3-dimensional movements that can occur for molecular atomic bonds when excited by IR light. These movements cause the IR spectral absorbance bands we observe.Credit:取自YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S_BT3JI150


IR和FTIR之间的区别在于,后者是由interferogramas the raw signal. This represents the light intensity as a function of the position of a mirror inside the interferometer, not as a function of wavelength (as occurs in dispersive instruments). This is the “FT“. The signal must first be Fourier-transformed (FT) to produce the intensity as a function of wavenumber.


The acquisition of FTIR spectra is much faster than by conventional dispersive instruments. The FT method produces spectra that show a much better signal-to-noise ratio and, as the wavelength scale is calibrated with a very precise reference laser, provides higher wavelength accuracy than IR.


Infrared spectrophotometers were developed in the mid-1940s. Initially, their applications were confined mostly to research work on organic compounds, and mainly in the petrochemical field. These first instruments were dispersive scanning spectrophotometers (Figure 3) and slow. Dispersive instruments are still around and have found a new lease of life in novel applications, as they can be more readily miniaturized and manufactured much more cheaply, to produce small, palm-top packages with simple operating systems run on mobiles phones.


图3: 示意图,显示了分散性红外分光光度计的布局。

如今,大多数研发级中级IR仪器都是FT类型的。他们的发展可以追溯到1890年代和Albert Michelson, who, while studying the speed of light, invented the “interferometer”, for which he received the Nobel Prize. An FTIR instrument uses an interferometer (Figure 4), which consists of a source, beam splitter, two mirrors, a laser and a detector. The energy goes from the source to the beam splitter which splits the beam into two parts. One part is transmitted to a moving mirror, the other is reflected to a fixed mirror. The moving mirror moves back and forth at a constant velocity, controlled by the calibrating laser’s response. The two beams are reflected from the mirrors and recombined back at the beam splitter, generating an interference pattern, which is transmitted though the sample compartment (and if present the sample where absorbance occurs) to the detector. This signal is then subjected to the FT function to generate a spectrum.

由FT仪器生成的所得干扰波形称为“干涉图”(后来讨论),编码在测量的所有波长上的所有信息。但是,要生成可解释的频谱,必须首先对信号进行计算密集的傅立叶变换数学函数。1966年,Coey-Tukey算法的开发6,7提供了简短的计算,即“快速傅立叶变换”或FFT。这与第一个商业计算系统的出现一起,允许1969年推出第一个商业FTIR FTS-148(图5)。

示意图显示了干涉仪的工作原理。The IR source, mirrors, beamsplitter, sample and detector are indicated.

图4: 示意图显示了干涉仪的工作原理。


图5: 示意图显示了FTIR光谱仪的工作原理。数字表示下面讨论的FTIR分析的步骤。


  1. 来源:IR能量是从发光的黑体源发出的,光束通过光圈,该光圈控制能量量。
  2. 干涉仪:IR光束进入干涉仪,如前所述,在该干涉仪中进行“光谱编码”。干涉仪使用参考激光器进行精确的波长校准。
  3. 样品:红外光束进入样品室,在该室中通过样品传输或反射样品表面;样品的特定能量特定频率被样品吸收。
  4. The detector: The beam finally passes to the detector for final measurement.
  5. 计算机:信号数字化,FFT计算发生,并将最终红外光谱呈现给用户。


There are now a whole range of FTIR instruments and versatile interchangeable accessories that allow gaseous, liquid and solid samples of different sizes and forms to be analyzed by the same basic instrument. It is worth noting that normal glass is not mid-IR transmissible, so all instrument optics and sampling accessories have to be constructed from other suitable IR optical materials. Early techniques developed for solid samples required the analyte to be ground and mixed with IR-transmissible substrates, often potassium bromide (KBr), under high pressure into a small solid clear disk. These were then mounted in a holder for transmission measurements. Liquid (non-water containing) samples were often formed as thin films between two such IR-transmissible discs with a small spacer. Time and reproducibility were both issues with this method.

在过去的30年中,替代方案的采用越来越多,尤其是现在无处不在的“ ATR”技术(衰减的总反射率). This device can accommodate small amounts of liquid or solid sample placed onto a crystal window with no real sample preparation required, allowing a spectrum to be gathered in a few seconds. When solids are analyzed, they are firmly pressed onto the crystal window by a top fixing clamp (Figure 6). Most published applications for solid samples now use this form of device. Other types of devices, such as a reflective hemisphere for diffuse reflectance or gas sample sealed cells are also available for specific applications. There are even 96-position microtiter format plates made from gold and other IR-compatible materials, allowing for high-throughput screening using specially adapted FTIR accessory units.9

Drawing showing a hand placing a solid sample in an ATR sampling accessory.

图6: 使用ATR采样配件。

典型的操作模式(图7)首先需要收集背景“空白”频谱。这将包含来自整个光束路径(光学和大气)的吸光度值。然后分析样品,并从中减去空白光谱,以产生单独样品独特的光谱响应。两种波数分辨率(通常为4至16厘米-1) and co-added scans (typically 8 to 64) require application-specific optimization to achieve an acceptable balance of signal-to-noise. Individual scans are rapid, typically less than 1 second on modern instruments, so with co-adding scans and background spectral subtraction, analysis workflows for a single sample on an ATR device can be accomplished in less than 2 minutes. This makes FTIR-ATR in particular ideal for measuring 100’s or 1000’s of samples in manufacturing or screening applications, including metabolomic fingerprinting.10


图7: 生产典型光谱的工作流程。

How to interpret an IR spectrum and an FTIR spectrum

FTIR光谱是信息丰富的,但是这一事实可以使它们具有挑战性和解释。可以找到解释FTIR的有用底漆这里。即使是简单,纯净的单一化合物样品,例如香草蛋白(图8),也具有多峰值光谱。在这种情况下,库的匹配方法可以在单个组件混合物中识别它,但是在其他化合物的复杂混合物中,这是不可能的。问题在于,大多数有机物都包含碳(C),氢(H),氮(N)或氧原子(O)原子的组合,因此相同的多重吸收峰从化合物到化合物重叠。简单地试图“眼球”许多光谱,以判断它们的样本在某种程度上是否有所不同,那么即使对于经验丰富的分析师来说,也会迅速成为一个压倒性的挑战。为了解决此问题,FTIR数据经常与统计建模方法结合使用,例如multivariate analysis(MVA),在化学背景下通常称为“chemometrics”。


图8: 香草蛋白的FTIR光谱,标有主要峰值波数。波数(CM-1)在X轴上显示在Y轴上的吸光度上。Credit: Author.


图9: 与加工(绿色)材料相比,生物油样品显示出生(红色)。显示了FTIR光谱(左)和派生的PCA分数图(右)。Credit: Author.



IR spectrum chart

下图(图10)显示了主要官能团产生的频段(1500 cm-1and above). The region 500-1500 cm-1在MID-IR区域,称为指纹区域,并提供了无法伪造的特定化合物独有的分子指纹。


图10: 图表显示了主要官能团产生的IR带和特定于每种化合物的指纹区域。

Advantages, disadvantages and uses of mid vs near-IR/FTIR spectroscopy



典型NIR(左)与MID-IR(右)光谱的示例。请注意,在MID-IR中解决了其他光谱特征。样品是干燥的蚊子,旨在鉴定疟疾载体中的脊椎动物血液粉,Anopheles Arabiensis。

Figure 11 :典型NIR(左)与MID-IR(右)光谱的示例。请注意,在MID-IR中解决了其他光谱特征。样品是干燥的蚊子,旨在鉴定疟疾载体中的脊椎动物血液粉,Anopheles Arabiensis。Credit: Reproduced fromMwanga,E.P.,Mapua,S.A.,Siria,D.J。等。2019在下面Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International执照。

FTIR应用程序 - 现在和未来


In addition, a particularly interesting technical development in the last 20 years has been the appearance and evolution of chemical imaging based in FTIR video chips (focal place array, “FPA”) for microscopy use. While FTIR microscopes have been around since the 1970’s in standard format, they just use a single point IR detector, and any imaging can only be achieved by stitching together large numbers of the single spatial measurements. Such images, even of something small like a cut tissue piece of a cm-2,需要花费几个小时才能收集。现代的中红外成像芯片,例如典型的128 x 128像素阵列(但可以是更高的分辨率),现在已成为标准配置。128x128阵列在一次扫描中产生16,000个空间分辨的光谱。图像可以在30-60秒内获取,并已广泛使用,这使得在空间上解决了应用程序,例如取证,考古文物,物理污染物,例如microplastics,药品压片测试12以及疾病状态和诊断预测的组织活检筛查。13,14FTIR-FPA can be usefully applied to situations where chemical signals need to interpreted within a broad spatial context.15,16


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