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直到21st世纪,但是控制生育能力的渴望已经存在了很多年。可以追溯到1850年的医学记录显示,出生时分配的女性(AFAB)将混合成分,例如蜂蜜,相思的水果和叶子,将材料或海绵浸入混合物中,然后在性交前插入生殖器中,以防止概念。这种做法中使用的其他成分包括鳄鱼粪便,橄榄油和柠檬。在全球液体汞,液态铅和砷中消耗量以防止怀孕;但是,这些重金属也可能导致器官衰竭和死亡。这首次记录使用of a condom, in the form of a goat bladder, was~3000 BCE and records from~1000 CE表明,埃及人在出生时分配男性(AMAB)使用亚麻鞘来覆盖其在性交中的生殖器以预防疾病。

Unintended pregnancies can have lasting effects on individuals, families and society. The direct healthcare costs of unintended pregnancies in low- and middle-income countries amounted to2019年100亿美元独自的。有证据表明,当制定家庭规划计划时,个人有更少的孩子,并且他们的怀孕进一步分开

In this article we will explore a variety of contraceptives, their advantages and drawbacks, as well as emerging technologies and techniques that could improve contraceptive options and broaden their access.

Modern medicine: A marvel


Figure 1 :当前避孕状况的15-49岁人口AFAB的百分比分布:2017 - 2019年美国。改编自National Center for Health Statistics全国家庭增长调查,2017 - 2019年。

Thanks to modern medicine, we have a comprehensive choice ofcontraceptives今天可用。这些被广泛归类为荷尔蒙(e.g., contraceptive pill, intrauterine devices (IUDs), implant and injection) ornon-hormonal(例如,避孕套,铜管和隔膜)。大多数激素避孕药通过操纵激素水平来模仿妊娠,从而阻止卵巢释放卵(卵母细胞)。相比之下,non-hormonal避孕药预防精子(精子)与卵母细胞结合。

Contraception can also be divided into long-term, short-term and permanent.

Table 1:Types of hormonal contraceptive.

Method Regimen 附加信息

Contraceptive pill


第一种避孕药是在1957年使用孕激素(合成孕酮)和雌激素的组合开发的。有两种类型的口服避孕药,一种含有孕激素和雌激素,另一种仅包含孕激素。激素避孕药是most commonly使用的非永久避孕方法。


每3-5年更换一次 一个小的,T形塑料设备它位于子宫内,慢慢释放孕激素。


Replace every 3 years Aflexible plastic rodthat is inserted into the skin of the upper arm. The implant works by releasing progestin into the bloodstream to thicken cervical mucous to block spermatozoa and stop ovulation.


Dose every 3 months 此方法涉及injection孕激素进入血液以防止排卵。


每周更换 patch是一种薄的石膏状方贴纸,可释放雌激素和孕激素,以防止排卵。

Table 2:Types of non-hormonal contraceptive.



首先避孕套were used to protect against disease and were made from animal intestines or different types of cloth. Condoms were first produced using rubber in 1839.

Internal condoms

活动 最早之一internal condoms由激进主义者于1923年晋升Marie Stopes并由厚橡胶护套和钢线圈边缘制成。该避孕套的现代版本,使用聚氨酯和后来的硝酸酯制成approved by the FDAin 1993 but received unflattering press coverage and受到好评by consumers.

Copper intrauterine device (IUD)

AT形塑料设备coated in copper that is fitted in the uterus. The copper damages spermatozoa and prevents it from meeting the oocyte.


A silicon or rubber shallow dome used as a cervical barrier.Diaphragmssit in front of the cervix to prevent spermatozoa from reaching the uterus.


Once – permanent
surgeryinvolves the blocking or cutting of the vas deferens – the tubes that carry spermatozoa in the scrotum.


Once – permanent
surgeryinvolves the blocking or sealing of the fallopian tubes so as to prevent oocytes reaching spermatozoa.


Track daily 这involves the observation of different fertility indicators (e.g.,temperature) during the menstrual cycle to predict the window of ovulation.

Contraception turn-offs

Although〜65%的人AFAB据报道,在2017 - 2019年使用避孕措施,在美国使用15-49岁的年龄,没有任何类型的避孕药是没有缺点的(图1)。在一项全球研究中,几乎35%的人停产他们在管理后的36个月内使用与方法相关的原因(包括副作用或健康问题)引起的避孕方法。避孕方法的有效性也可能不清楚,例如,避孕药是99.7%有效with perfect use, but 93% effective with “common use”. The数量增加of individuals who opt for surgical sterilization as a method of family planning, the high prevalence of abortions and the high rate of teenage pregnancy all suggest that additional contraceptive methods are needed and sought after.

如表1和表2所示,大多数避孕药是由这些AFAB使用的。个人AMAB可以使用有限的选择:“避孕套,输精管切除术,戒断和性亲密关系,而无需性交,”Dr. David Turok, associate professor at the University of Utah Department of obstetrics and gynecology. Dr. Turok is also the Utah site principal investigator for an ongoing临床试验目前正在招募夫妇,以测试一种新型的在Cisgender男子上的荷尔蒙避孕凝胶。


Accessing contraception

According to estimates made in 2017 by theWorld Health Organization,发展中国家的2.14亿人AFAB希望避免怀孕,但没有使用现代避孕方法。健康问题, side effects, problems with access and opposition from others are cited as reasons for this disuse. According to a发表在柳叶刀,虽然现代避孕药使用率的增加(从2012年的23.9%到2017年的28.5%),但总体使用远低于发达国家。例如,在美国,65.3%的人在2017年至2019年之间使用某种形式的避孕药具(见图1)。许多人也有limited access to contraceptivesdue to institutionalized racism, homophobia and transphobia.

On the topic of access to contraceptives,Dr. Erica Cahill, clinical assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecology, Stanford University, said, “The biggest factors are cost and availability. There are many研究显示如果人们不必考虑成本,他们会选择不同的方法。政策等政策负担得起的护理法许多人的访问取得了巨大的进步。”


Many pharmacies do not stock emergency contraceptives, Cahill emphasized as there are still misconceptions about emergency contraceptive options causing abortions, though this has beendisproved


2018年,该地区contraceptive research和收到最多资金的开发(研发)是short-acting drugs and devices(approximately 22.5 million US dollars). In comparison, pancreatic cancer research received259 million US dollarsin 2018

From January 2019 to 2022, there were只有17行业资助的临床试验着重于避孕发展,与5024试验in the field of cancer research.

Many multinational pharmaceutical companies abandoned both their hormonal and nonhormonal避孕研发计划in the early 2000s. There are several challenges associated with developing a novel contraceptive that may deter investments in time and money by pharmaceutical companies. It is一个昂贵的过程,新方法必须同样安全,并且更多的effective than those currently available. Because contraceptives are given to healthy individuals, the tolerance for side effects is lower than for other drugs given to patients with a specific condition/disease. Also, in order to compete with other methods, new contraceptives need to cheap to produce to make them cost effective.

Side effects and suitability across hormonal and non-hormonal contraception


A 2017学习reported a significant reduction in the general wellbeing of people taking oral contraceptives. Another学习reportedhigher depressive symptom scores in 16-year-old oral contraceptive users compared with their counterparts.

Reportedside effects与荷尔蒙避孕药的使用相关,包括痤疮,情绪低落,性欲降低,头痛,沉重和/或不规则月经,恶心和体重增加。2005年至2014年之间52个国家的人口和健康调查表明20–33% of people AFAB据报道,由于围绕副作用的担忧,不使用避孕措施。

Some individuals cannot use hormonal methods of contraception (e.g., those withcertain types of canceror high blood pressure), and non-hormonal methods generally have风险更少因为根据定义,它们不涉及暴露于激素。但是,这些方法仍然会产生不利的副作用。例如,铜宫可能与较重,更长或更痛苦的时期有关,这是由于安装宫内节育器,骨盆炎性疾病而可能的感染,uterine perforation和异位妊娠。坐在阴道管中的其他设备,例如隔膜和避孕套,可能会导致刺激,干燥,皮疹或过敏





卡希尔(Cahill)强调的另一个最近批准的避孕药是AnnoveraTM, a vaginal contraceptive ring containing progestin developed by the国际避孕研究委员会。这ring can be used for an entire year and does not require refrigeration – particularly important for distribution and use in low-resource settings.

这re are currently no FDA-approved contraceptives为那些amab设计besides condoms. However there are some实验选择,两种激素(a避孕药) and non-hormonal (e.g.,精子结合IgG抗体) under clinical evaluation. An experimental non-hormonal contraceptive compound, known as YCT529, wasrecently found to be 99% effectivewhen used in male mice to prevent pregnancy.

Turok explained how the contraceptive gel at the center of his clinical trial works: “The gel has two drugs in it. The first is Nesterone®, which signals to the brain to stop making gonadotropin-releasing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, stopping sperm production. However, sperm can live for about two months [in the testes], so it takes about that long for the drug to be effective. Nesterone also blocks testosterone production. So, the second drug [in the gel] is testosterone, which is added back to maintain normal levels of that hormone.”


促性腺激素释放激素(GNRH)is released by the hypothalamus everyone to three hours并刺激AFAB和AMAB个体中垂体中刺激卵泡刺激激素的产生。



Progesteroneis produced during ovulation by the corpus luteum (the formation of which is triggered by LH and prepares the endometrial tissue to allow for the implantation of a fertilized oocyte.

Testosteroneis responsible for the regulation of FSH and production of spermatozoa.

Estrogenscause oocyte maturation, ovulation and增厚endometrial tissue





Meet the Author
Kate Robinson
Kate Robinson