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培养污染的一种来源是由于实验技术差或人为严重的错误而无意引入另一个细胞系。“这是癌症研究中的真正问题,”维维坎·南德·亚达夫(Vivekan Nand Yadav)博士解释说,他是密歇根大学儿科 - 血液学/肿瘤学儿科神经胶质瘤的研究者。“这些所谓的许多实例
有问题的单元线 , that became contaminated with another cell line, which outgrows the original one.” A prominent and well-known cause of problematic cell lines is the Hela cell line, which was derived from an aggressive cervical adenocarcinoma. HeLa cells proliferate so efficiently that they can overrun the contaminated culture. “It is important to keep track of these problematic cell lines as they plague biomedical research and confound study results,” says Yadav. “Databases are a good resource, such as 大提琴 ,托管一个专门针对有问题的单元线的页面 contaminated or misidentified 。另一个好实践是报告研究资源标识符( rrids ) for cell lines used in any publication. RRIDs are unique identifiers for biological resources, including cell lines, and was developed to boost reproducibility and transparency in biomedical research.”

细胞培养物也可能被各种微生物(例如细菌或真菌)污染。Yadav说:“您会立即知道何时在文化中污染细菌。”“它们通常非常明显且富有味道,并变得如此有效,以至于它们使您的培养基多云。通过微观检查可识别真菌污染。酵母和丝状真菌分别以明亮的卵形或纤维形式出现。眼睛也可以看到真正不良的霉菌侵扰。对于细菌和真菌问题,您必须在这一点上丢弃这些文化,适当地通过生物危害,清理文化室,检查库存解决方案并污染任何人,然后重新开始。” Yadav建议。

广泛的问题这很难检测到。”。Mycoplasma是最小的自我复制微生物,一种细菌,没有细胞壁,使它们能够采用许多形状,从而在培养中伪装它们。“支原体劫持了培养细胞的营养,可能会影响其生长,基因表达和蜂窝状态。这是研究的问题。例如,在我的项目中,我调查机制of tumor reprogramming and药物敏感性in adult and pediatric gliomas. These are cellular properties that mycoplasma can influence, which would render data interpretation impossible. Therefore, I always ensure my cultures are free from of contaminating mycoplasma before performing my experiments.”





随着研究的质量,警惕至关重要。“您需要花费时间在进行项目之前验证细胞系,”美国剑桥美国剑桥大学生物医学研究所的研究科学家Zsolt G. Venkei博士建议。“当使用实验室新的单元线时,这尤其重要。这个细胞系的过程
验证 can be performed in many ways. The easiest method, which should be integrated into your cell culture routine, is quick visual microscopic inspection for morphology 。This is a crude approach, because cell line morphologies are not unique; however, a shift in shape can alert to a contamination problem. I’d say the best method is 简短的串联重复 profiling, a PCR-based assay that matches a cell’s variable DNA microsatellite profile to a database. But other genomic approaches are also useful, such as 核分型和拷贝数变化 such as by G带和荧光in situ杂交 (鱼)。”

果蝇 as a research model and has worked in 昆虫细胞培养 细胞系出处 , the species and tissue origin of the cell line, is another important aspect of the authentication process. “When you are conducting research, you are trying to answer questions in a specific model organism or cell line. One way to test provenance, is to perform an 同工酶 分析以验证物种起源和免疫细胞化学的生物标志物 组织起源 ,” he explains. “This way, you have validated the authenticity of your cell line, and checked that it maintains the characteristics you need to address your research question.”

显微镜,通常是检测到by molecular techniques, such as PCR and FISH, which should follow a routine schedule, since there are limited visual signs to alert to a possible contamination. Finally,病毒有点棘手。某些病毒诱导可见的细胞质效应,形态学变化。其他人可以简单地将其整合到宿主细胞DNA中而不影响细胞形态,在这种情况下,需要进行分子测试,例如PCR。”


Cell confluency is an important technique to be applied with accuracy, as it is a costly process which requires a maximum efficiency of transfection from the first attempt. It is a process in which a sample is analyzed by the observation of space occupied by cells – this can be amplified via utilization of hemocytometers and dyes such as Trypan blue, but these additional steps require more work. Bertin Technologies have developed a new method that allows for easier use of cell confluency. Download this whitepaper to discover how the “scratch” assay method measures cell migration体外and how a novel cell imaging system can provide cost-effective, high specificity results.


Preventing problems preemptively

根除 ,” Venkei注意。接下来的措施是确保清洁的工作环境。始终在层流罩中工作;遵循窗扇级别的说明,不要通过弄乱引擎盖并覆盖通风孔来阻碍流动。确保常规维修层流罩过滤器并更换。Venkei详细阐述了一些关键的保护措施:“” Decontaminate 带紫外线的引擎盖,所有设备都用70%的乙醇加入。确保您存储的培养物的孵化器通常会经常清洁。工作时,请遵循良好的移液技术,以防止雾化并最大程度地减少传播。穿实验室外套和手套,以保护自己和文化一样多。”

救了 ,但需要特殊护理。“这是很多步骤,很多措施,很多工作。但是,一切都必须维持不受污染的优质细胞培养,并确保研究的完整性。” Venkei总结道。

Meet The Author
Masha Savelieff, PhD
Masha Savelieff, PhD