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New Mass Spectrometry Methods To Visualize Lipids

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In the past, due to various reasons related to their complexity and their low intracellular concentrations, the profiling of these lipids and the linking of a specific acyl variant to biological change has been difficult. However, a new system called PRMC-MS (Phosphoinositide Regioisomer Measurement by Chiral column chromatography and Mass Spectrometry) has now enabled the characterization of the dynamics of phosphoinositide acyl variants both in intracellular and extracellular environments.


The PRMC-MS method now solves this problem and points the way to an understanding of how these lipids influence cell functions. Using PRMC-MS, it is now possible to simultaneously measure all eight classes of phosphoinositides in a single sample. The highly sensitive nature of PRMC-MS allows for the detection of tiny but important changes in intracellular phosphoinositide levels, yielding data that shows that it can be applied to blood samples to track phosphoinositide signatures potentially related to disease states.

PRMC-MS enables the comprehensive analysis of phosphoinositide acyl variants in various types of biological samples, including surgical specimens, which can be used to throw a light on previously unrecognized disturbances of phosphoinositide fatty acyl profiles in cancerous tissue and to monitor their extracellular mobilization. Further study of the differing acyl variants and their conferring of protein binding properties could possibly also reveal how they activate a signaling pathway that favors cancer cell growth and survival and emerge as a target for cancer therapy. Thus, PRMC-MS may well illuminate the role played by phosphoinositides in the pathogenesis of cancers and inflammatory diseases.

In addition, the use of PRMC-MS in the evaluation of phosphoinositide signatures at the acyl variant level in tissue and liquid biopsies may reveal biomarkers suitable for a wide variety of clinical applications.


Reference:Morioka S,Nakanishi H,Yamamoto T等。一种质谱法,用于对磷酸肌醇区域异构体的深入分析及其疾病相关的调节。纳特社区。2022; 13(1):83。doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27648-z

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