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Plastics Release Trillions of Nanoparticles When Exposed to Hot Water

Plastics Release Trillions of Nanoparticles When Exposed to Hot Water

Plastics Release Trillions of Nanoparticles When Exposed to Hot Water

Plastics Release Trillions of Nanoparticles When Exposed to Hot Water

NIST researchers analyzed single use beverage cups, such as coffee cups, release trillions of nanoparticles, tiny plastic particles, from the inner lining of the cup when the water is heated. Credit: N. Hanacek/NIST.
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Plastics surround us, whether it’s the grocery bags we use at the supermarket or household items such as shampoo and detergent bottles. Plastics don’t exist only as large objects, but also as microscopic particles that are released from these larger products. These microscopic plastics can end up in the environment, and they can be ingested into our bodies.


The NIST researchers published their findings in the scientific journal Environmental Science and Technology.

“这里的主要要点是,无论我们在哪里看,都有塑料颗粒。有很多。每升万亿。我们不知道那些对人或动物的健康影响不好。我们只是对他们在那里有很高的信心。” NIST化学家Christopher Zangmeister说。



In their study, the NIST researchers looked at two types of commercial plastic products: food-grade nylon bags, such as baking liners — clear plastic sheets placed in baking pans to create a nonstick surface that prevents moisture loss — and single-use hot beverage cups, such as coffee cups. The beverage cups they analyzed were coated with low-density polyethylene (LDPE), a soft flexible plastic film often used as a liner.


To analyze the nanoparticles released from these plastic products, the researchers first needed to determine how to detect them. “Imagine having a cup of water in a generic to-go coffee cup. It could have many billions of particles, and we would need to figure out how to find these nanoplastics. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack,” Zangmeister said.

So, he and his colleagues had to use a new approach. “We used a way of taking the water that’s in the cup, spraying it out into a fine mist, and drying the mist and all that’s left within the solution,” said Zangmeister. Through this process, the nanoparticles are isolated from the rest of the solution.





In their analysis and observations, the researchers found that the average size of the nanoparticles was between 30 nanometers and 80 nanometers, with few above 200 nanometers. Additionally, the concentration of nanoparticles released into hot water from food-grade nylon was seven times higher compared with the single-use beverage cups.

“In the last decade scientists have found plastics wherever we looked in the environment. People have looked at snow in Antarctica, the bottom of glacial lakes, and found microplastics bigger than about 100 nanometers, meaning they were likely not small enough to enter a cell and cause physical problems,” said Zangmeister.




这项研究的发现,结合所分析的其他类型材料的发现,将在该领域开放新的研究途径。“关于该主题的大多数研究都是为了教育科学家而写的。本文将同时进行:教育科学家并进行公众宣传,” Zangmeister说。

Reference:Zangmeister CD,Radney JG,Benkstein KD,KalanyanB。常见的一次性消费者塑料产品在正常使用过程中每升释放数万亿美元以下的100 nm纳米粒子进入水中。环境科学技术。Published online April 20, 2022. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c06768

