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Innovative Way Developed To Look for Endocrine Disruptors in Wastewater

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Treating pollutants, such as endocrine disruptors, is an effective way to protect the environment. Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that alter the hormonal systems and the development of organisms that are exposed to them, even in small quantities. Doctoral student Julie Robitaille and Professor Valérie Langlois of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) are working on an effluent analysis tool to predict their harmful effects.

“魁北克和世界各地都有兴趣寻找追踪内分泌破坏者的方法。这些方法甚至可以确定污染物来自给定地区的何处 - 无论是农业,医院,市政还是工业环境,”ValérieLanglois教授说。


“When an endocrine disruptor activates the receptors on these cells, they emit a small light. That’s how we determine whether the wastewater could be posing a risk to the hormonal system,” explains Julie Robitaille, a doctoral student in water sciences. However, she says that further research is needed to reveal how their cellular findings translate to aquatic species.



To test the effects of the pollutant mix, the researchers turned to bioassays, using the biological analyses to measure the reactions of their cell lines when exposed to wastewater samples, without knowing exactly which contaminants they contained.


Reference:Barton-Maclaren TS,Wade M,Basu N等。内分泌破坏化学物质的监管方法的创新:加拿大风险评估现代化的旅程。Enviro Res。2022; 204:112225。doi:10.1016/j.envres.2021.112225

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