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The Omicron Variant Highlights the Need for Smarter, Future-Proof Vaccine Design

The Omicron Variant Highlights the Need for Smarter, Future-Proof Vaccine Design

The Omicron Variant Highlights the Need for Smarter, Future-Proof Vaccine Design

The Omicron Variant Highlights the Need for Smarter, Future-Proof Vaccine Design



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尽管仍然有一条漫长的路来控制19009年的大流行 - 而世界则焦急地等待有关Omicron的潜在影响的答案,但可以肯定的是:我们需要做更多的事情才能保持领先地位。这是我们现在看到的病原体的变体形式,还是下一个大流行。



In recent years, vaccine research has largely centered on the development of better and safer delivery systems, such as viral vectors, DNA and mRNA-based vaccines, as well as more effective immune-stimulating adjuvants. However, far less attention has been paid to the component at the heart of every vaccine: the antigen. An effective vaccine relies on effectively presenting information about a pathogen to the immune system, training it to respond should we encounter the pathogen for real. Even if a vaccine has a highly effective delivery system and adjuvant, it is worthless if the body's immune cells and antibodies cannot recognize the pathogen that circulates and causes disease.


Drawing again on the example of COVID-19, the currently available vaccines are all based on the Spike protein that decorates the surface of the virus. This is an ideal antigen, as antibodies can neutralize the virus before it enters the cells. Focusing on the Spike alone meant that vaccine developers were able to rapidly create a highly effective vaccine that could be rolled out worldwide in less than a year. However, significant mutations in the Spike could render these vaccines less potent, or even useless.





One approach developed by theoretical biologist Bette Korber looks for key variable regions in different strains or species, using this information to create a mosaic antigen protein. This is目前正在针对艾滋病毒进行测试,对于疫苗开发人员来说,最大的挑战之一。其他想法依赖于确定在不同菌株甚至物种之间保存和共享的区域。

Sifting through all this biological data in search of insights about the most appropriate antigens is a task well suited to artificial intelligence (AI). AI algorithms can analyze large and varied genomic, evolutionary, clinical and epidemiological datasets to find critical pieces of proteins in pathogens that either highly variable or highly conserved.

This information can then be used to create entirely artificial “pick and mix” antigens formed by a string of epitopes (the units within a protein recognized by antibodies), providing the immune system with everything it needs to know to mount an effective response, both now and in the future. AI-informed design has the potential to create universal, future-proof vaccines that will be effective across a family of closely related pathogens. This concept has already underpinned the development of anovel vaccine for the mosquito-borne tropical disease chikungunya, and atherapeutic vaccine for treating Human Papillomavirus (HPV)这会导致宫颈和其他癌症。这两种疫苗都在临床试验中,而其他疫苗也在进行人类和动物疾病(包括Covid-19,疟疾和非洲猪发烧)中。

